You are here: EFTPOS > Tenerum > Using Tenerum

Using Tenerum



The Restaurant Module will need to be licensed and configured in order to access the Table Map


There are three methods that can be used to pay for a sale using Tenerum as outlined below:



If using the Table Map, you will need to use the "EFTPOS Capture Tips" function any time after the order is placed and before the Clerk ends their Shift.

Refer to the below for more details about the Capture Tips process, or click here to go directly to the Capture Tips section on this page.

Note that Capture Tips process must still be used even in the case where a customer has chosen not to leave a tip; in this case, simply leave the tip amount as $0.00 on the Capture Tips screen. Refer to the Capture Tips process below for more details.






Card Process

Select the desired method of card payment below for more details about the steps involved.



The prompts displayed by the Payment Terminal can vary depending on the card method used to pay for the transaction (Swipe, Tap or Insert).

Due to the wide range of Payment cards on the market, prompts may differ slightly from the below examples.